Dr. Lark is a physician who believes in diet, nutrition, exercise and stress management techniques to remedy most health problems. Her website, www.drlark.com, offers tips, health solutions and products that enhance health and well being. I notice that there was also a section on recipes to try out. I like the idea of trying a nutritional remedy first before drugs.
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2 cups water
2 teaspoons fresh ginger root, grated
1 teaspoon peppermint leaves
1 teaspoon honey (if desired)
Bring water to a boil. Add ginger and peppermint to water and stir. Turn heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes. Add sweetener if desired.
This drink is an excellent coffee substitute. Both ginger and peppermint are stimulating herbs that can help raise your energy level: ginger also helps relieve digestive problems, while peppermint may help quiet muscle spasms.
I also like herbal teas better than anything, they are simply the best - especially if you can use home-grown herbs from your own garden!
Beautiful post, thank you... :)
Hi Daria, thanks. My girls are actually on this regimen now. They have something that is a cross between a head cold and a stomach flu and this is the only thing they can keep down. Poor things.
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