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Sunday, May 16, 2010

The door is open... AGAIN

Wow, time really flies when you get distracted and frustrated. Yes, worst than having a broken doorbell button, this house has been essentially on lock down for the last month and a half. It all started with work. I pulled off, singlehandedly, I'm proud to say, a three day workshop flawlessly. That took a lot of my time though and at the end of most days I was so exhausted that I could not even look at the computer anymore.

Sorry about that. But now, I am determined to get back on track and distractions be damned. Ultimately, I find that I only have to please myself and no one else. It's a hard lesson to learn when you have a family depending on you and a full time job that is completely reliant on your attention.I finally had to pull myself back and remind myself that I am one person, not superwoman, and no one else can be happy unless I am happy. There have been too many times these past couple of months when I wasn't happy. So that's ending today. So welcome back to our home, the door is again open for business. :)

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