New Blog Posts:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

If you can't take the heat...

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. That's how the old saying goes. But in our house, it seems we've been in the kitchen more often since the weather got hotter. We love it too that the garden has been putting out its usual bounty again. That's always inspiring us to cook. I also joined a couple of cooking events so that's prompted me to try out new recipes that I never thought I would try. So here's a few things that's been cooked so far:

Ratatouille Ratatouille which I cooked up with vegetables from our garden for Recipes to Rival, a monthly cooking challenge for savory dishes.

CocoFlan Yakitori
My entries for Lasang Pinoy Sundays, a weekly food photo blogging event featuring Filipino foods.

YakitoriYakitori Grilled Chicken, perfect for the warm summer entertaining outdoors. We certainly were entertained :)

Braid with Apple FillingFinally, a Danish Braid which was not only delicious but also beautiful, which we cooked up for Daring Bakers. If you're feeling daring, this is for you.

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