New Blog Posts:

Of Marriages and Divorces
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Not too long ago, I found out that the country of my birth, the Philippines, is the remaining holdout (aside from the Vatican) to not have divorce laws in place. My parents, however, were divorced. They were married in the Philippines but had their marriage dissolved in the U.S. Getting … .. read more..

Don’t Bring Me Flowers, Build Me Something!
Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring has a way of making one turn over a new leaf or at the very least spruce up the old one. This year, with two daughters already out of the coop and down to just one, we’ve decided it’s time to get out of the slump and spruce up … .. read more..

Do You Read Religious Books and Do You stick to Only One?
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

 Do you read religious books or books on religion? Do you only read those pertaining to your faith or do you read them all? I read all genres. All books that can hold my attention is fair game. While my favorite is still fantasy and historical novels. I have been known to get wrapped up .. read more..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blog Updates

Here again, if you haven't been visiting our other blogs, is what's been going on:
Durham is Voting Early and so did we! Do you have early voting where you are? I suggest taking advantage of it as it's turning out to be a record breaking election. Voters are turning out in greater numbers than ever.

I reprinted an old story that is close to my heart, A Mom's Expectations. If you're a regular reader, you've probably read this story already, but it's one of the greatest lessons I learned as a mom and I live re-living it.

Cooked From the Heart - Our food blog.
Spicy Beef with Basil
On a Stick - our entry for last week's Lasang Pinoy Sundays, a weekly food photo event.

Spicy Beef with Basil
stirfry - the photo above explains it all. It was delicious!

Found Not Lost - What we've read lately:
Emma by Jane Austen
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Kite Runner
Breaking Dawn

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