Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2009 already? It seems that every year seems to go by faster than the one before it and this past year was no different. I was trying to think of milestones to mark time with. I came up with quite a bit for the girls and realized that there wasn't much of me on the list. I go to work, doing the usual I have been doing for the last five years, I blog, as I have been doing for the last four years except that now I am making some money blogging. Other than that, the rest if occupied with getting the girls from one place to another, cooking countless meals and all the mundane-ness of daily living.
My husband says I don't give myself enough credit for the things I do. Maybe I do and maybe I don't. I really wouldn't know because, to tell the truth, I really can't remember! I hate to admit it, but this year I have really felt my age. All 45 years of it. Oh I know it's just a number, but some days I feel 54 or even older. So while I've stopped making New Year's resolutions years ago, I think this year I need to.
I think I need more ME time. So peek into my private conversations when you have time and see how the ME time is going. Check out 'Nette's life when you can, it's what I call the stuff that comes after the gross stuff.
Do you have any plans or resolutions for 2009?
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