The bright side, and I don't mind seeing the bright side because I know she would do the same, is that we got to see a lot of family we hadn't seen in a long time. She would have enjoyed the turnout for her going away party. The chapel was full of her nieces, nephews, grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. The food for her reception, she would have loved. This woman loved to eat and we didn't disappoint. We went to her favorite place to go, a chinese buffet complete with shrimps and crab legs. It was a true mile long buffet that would have most people digging for the Leptovox after wards. Not our family though. Believe it or not, after we left the luncheon at the restaurant, everyone went back to my mother's house for more food!
Anyway, that's where I've been the last two weeks. This week, I'm catching up at the office, at home and here on the blogosphere.
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